Frontier Psychiatrist

Posts Tagged ‘Annie Hall

Janie, baby, I miss you. Little darling, It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, and I know that I no longer want to be apart. I know I’ve been an ass, but it’s been so hard without you. These few solo months have helped me reassess our relationship, and I just want you to hear me out.

At first, I kind of liked it. The metro was less nerve racking; a bit more stable than your rocket to the crypt approach. I tried to fill the void you left with books, magazines and ipods, and, I admit, it was pretty nice. I felt like a normal person for once; like a person who showed up to work in the clothes they would actually be working in, like a person who finally knocked out that New Yorker he’s been meaning to tackle, like a person who no longer cares to give up their coveted metro seat in the name of chivalry.

Through all this, I told myself that it was better without you, but I never really believed it. Somewhere along the way, the 50 minute commutes became grating and frustrating, no longer new and exciting. I longed for your smooth ride and low maintenance stature; your devilish speed and hipster poise.

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Sons of Dionysus

A Transmedia Novel of Myth, Mirth, and the Magical Excess of Youth.